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Peer Review Policy

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In order to guarantee the quality of scientific data publishingand the reliability of data sharing and reuse, each scientific database (set) needs to go through peer review process.

(1) Select peer-review experts who have a higher academic level in the related field and are familiar with the content to be reviewed, and avoid peer-reviewed experts who havestakeholders withthe database (set) authors.

(2) Three to fiveexperts are generally selected to conduct independent reviews, and the opinions of peer experts are collectively submittedinto the working group of the editorial department. The editorial working group reports the collated comments to the responsibleeditor (or editor). The responsibleeditor (or editor) finally decides whether to publish. The recommendations and results of peer reviewsand the conclusions of whether the database (set) is published are conveyed to the submitting author.

(3) The required contents of peer review are shown in the following attached table.

(4) Peer expert review time shouldnot exceed 20 days.