Welcome to the Global Geoscientific Data & Discovery Publishing Center!

Data Preservation Policy

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The Geoscientific Data & Discovery Center (GDD)aims to maintain the integrity, accessibility and reusability of geoscientific data for a long time.

(1) The author needs to provide sufficient metadata (data producers, departments, fund projects, etc.) and data background information so that users can understand and use the data;

(2) The data submitted by the author needs to include the data set and corresponding data papers. The data paper is a scientific and objective description of the data set to ensure that the user uses the data to be well documented;

(3) The data saving format supports doc, docx, pdf, xml, html, jpg, png, mapgis, arcgis, geomap, zip, url, xls, etc.;

(4) The GDD owns the ownership of data, is responsible for the collection, management, preservation, acquisition, dissemination of scientific data, and is responsible for protecting the intellectual property rights of data producers and protecting the signing rights of data producers, authors and the collaborators, etc.